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Wells Fargo + Hispanicize 2016 + Pop Toons Live

#Hispz16 #elperfectpitch Wells Fargo Take Your Business To New Places, Wells Fargo Works For Small Business, The Perfect Pitch, Hispanicize 2016,

Wells Fargo wrapped up their first annual small business competition “The Latino Perfect Pitch”, at the Hispanicize 2016 annual convention for Latino trendsetters and newsmakers. On April 7th the finalist pitched live on stage for a chance to win $5,000. Caricaturists at Pop Toons Live had a blast all week inciting excitement and attracting a crowd to the Wells Fargo’s booth.

Wells Fargo was well represented and created a buzz by calling upon the modern digital cartoon caricature artists to draw the visiting patrons of the 7th annual event hosted at the InterContinental Miami hotel. Hundreds of people gathered daily to patiently await their turn to become immortalized in the digital. Others had to stop and watch the cartoon caricature art come to life in real time on the HD TV display. For those who did have a chance to get in front the caricaturist, left with a 4’x6’ photo print of their image branded with the Wells Fargo Logo. Everyone also emailed the digital images to themselves and posted them to social media profiles like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

The gallery below includes some of the artist's favorites images from the week long show. The complete gallery can be seen here.

Wells Fargo Logo

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